Lt. Gov. of Michigan Visits Battle Creek Air National Guard Base
Lt. Gov. Brian Calley visits the 110th Attack Wing, Battle Creek Air National Guard Base and Fort Custer Training Center, Battle Creek, Mich., Monday, August 16, 2016. Lt. Gov. Calley met with 110th Attack Wing Commander, Col. Bryan Teff before traveling to Fort Custer Training Center to meet with Installation Commander, Lt. Col. Steve Wilson and Assistant Adjutant General of Installations, Brig. Gen. Michael Stone. The purpose of Cally's visit was to highlight the state's strategic plan to protect and grow Michigan's defense and homeland security economy. After returning to the 110th, Calley toured the facilities stopping at the 217th Air Operations Group for a Cyber Operations Squadron mission brief and press conference with Wing Commander, Col. Bryan Teff, Battle Creek Area Chamber of Commerce Representative, Military Affairs, Mr. T.R. Shaw, and Battle Creek Unlimited Interim President and CEO, Mr. Joe Sobieralski. (Air National Guard photo by Master Sgt. Sonia Pawloski/released)