
Commander's Comments, May 2019

  • Published
  • By Col. Dan Whipple
  • 110th Wing

110th Wing Members,

Welcome to May 2019 RSD. Spring is finally here! I know this not because of the calendar, but because my lawn needs mowed and it’s raining so much I can’t cut it. Spring brings hope for the future, new opportunities, and the resurgence of life. It also brings pollen and allergies but we don’t want to talk about that.

What I do want to talk about, is that next RSD we will be having a Readiness Exercise that will kick off with a Phase 1 deployment exercise on the 6th of June. Selected members will go through the deployment processing exercise to ensure our procedures are in compliance with guidance. On the 7th of June we will exercise mission assurance through emergency response scenarios to ensure we are trained and ready. Then on the 8th of June we will exercise the ability to survive and operate in a contingency environment on the west side of the base. The players and scope of this exercise have been specifically crafted to minimize impact onmAFSC training. If you would like to learn more, feel free to attend the Readiness Exercise Brief in the DFAC on Saturday, May 3rd from 1400-1500.

Also worth mention; our Unit Effectiveness Inspection (UEI) Capstone event is right around the corner. The ACC Inspector General (IG) will be here the 24th-29th of October to inspect our Wing. In order to facilitate maximum participation, October will be a super drill for the entire wing. Members will utilize the drill periods from November for the additional days. Please coordinate with your full time employers for those future dates. Please reference the 2020 Drill Schedule, distributed May 1st via  email for October dates.

The ACC IG will inspect our programs to evaluate how well we Manage Resources, Lead People, Improve the Unit, and Execute the Mission as well as undetected non-compliance. I am extremely proud of all of our members and I have no doubt that our rating will reflect the hard work and dedication the Wing has put forth. Please keep working toward excellence as we continue to perfect our programs and document their status in MICT and IGEMS. In order for the ACC IG team members to evaluate and  verify our programs they will be out and about interacting with all of you. They will also be conducting Airmen to IG sessions. If you get an opportunity to speak with them please share your pride in what we do. Be prepared to show off your programs and speak up about the awesome things you do to make us an excellent Wing.

The last item of news for you is that we will be having a Wing Change of Command, in the hanger on the 8th June at 1400. Maj. Gen. Isabelle will preside over the ceremony in which Col. Teff will relinquish command of the 110th Attack Wing and we will retire the Attack Wing flag. Col. Holtz will accept command of the 110th Wing.

Wishing you and your family a wonderful spring!

Colonel Dan Whipple