Battle Creek Air National Guard -- 110th Wing Members,
This is my last article as the 110th Wing Commander With all sincerity, it’s been an honor and a privilege to serve with you over the past 3 ½ years. Andrea and I will remember this time as a fantastic experience for our family. Even though there were difficult days and challenging problems, my experience was extremely positive and I will certainly look back fondly on my time as the 110th Wing Commander. The reason for this is simple… easily, the best part of the past 3+ years has been my positive interaction with all of you. Of my 21 years in the Michigan ANG, I have been a proud member of the 110th for over 16 years. What has always impressed me is your tremendous professionalism, resiliency, commitment to our missions, and passion for excellence. I may be biased, but I believe wholeheartedly this unit is an elite Air National Guard Wing with elite Airmen.
Over the past 20 years, I have witnessed the Air National Guard transition from a strategic reserve to an operational reserve. During this time, the 110th established and reinforced core competencies that still exist today. Clearly, our tremendous history has established a culture of excellence that has allowed us to produce elite, adaptable, ready Airmen who remain vigilant today to support and defend our Nation and State. Particularly over the past several years, we have worked hard to build enduring partnerships that extend from our local communities to our Joint “Team Michigan” units, and via our nationally-recognized State Partnership Program relationships with both Latvia and Liberia.
On the backs of the people who have come before us, we have in-demand missions with a great future. The members of this Wing remain committed to excellence and continue to be recognized for their outstanding performance at home and while deployed in support of contingency operations. Without question, we have exited an era of change and have entered an era of opportunity. Over the past 3 ½ years, the men and women of the 110th Wing transformed the culture of the organization concurrent with establishing new missions. The Wing quickly gained a reputation for excellence in our new missions and further advanced our existing missions. You are part of the legacy of the 110th Wing. Your spectacular performance over the past 3 ½ years has been extremely impressive. I know you are proud of our heritage and I have full confidence that the men and women of the 110th will continue the legacy of this outstanding Wing.
The 110th has always been a great family. Our friendship, loyalty and dedication to each other has made the 110th a special place. I am blessed and thankful to have been part of an organization that has an established and enduring connection that extends well beyond the main gate. In closing, please remember this…over time, our missions may change, but our Airmen and Families have always defined the 110th…and they always will!
I will miss being part of this awesome unit. I look forward to following your future success.
My best to you and your family!
Colonel Bryan Teff