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  • 217th AOG takes Objective Focus 2012 to the next level

    New facilities and another year of experience allowed the 217th Air Operations Group take its annual Exercise Objective Focus to the next level. Conducted from Aug. 6-9 at Battle Creek Air National Guard Base the training event tested the ability of the AOG to plan and direct operations halfway

  • Air Force Outstanding Unit Award To Communications Flight

    The 110th Communications Flight, 110th Mission Support Group, 110th Airlift Wing, Michigan Air National Guard, distinguished itself by exceptionally outstanding achievement from 19 October 2009 to 18 October 2011. During this period, the 110th Communications Flight accomplished its mission with a

  • From the Chiefs Council

    Several months ago members of the Chief's Council were brainstorming different ways to further develop junior enlisted Airmen and NCO leadership abilities within the Wing. After some discussion, a recommendation was made to the Wing Professional Development Council that we take a group of Airmen

  • Tropic Care 2012

    Over 350 military members from across the United States joined up in Kauai, Hawaii for this humanitarian mission. There was representation from the Air Force, guard and reserve, Navy reserve and Army reserve. All of the personnel came together and worked side by side to make the vision of this

  • His Final Reenlistment

    On June 4, 1979, Master Sgt. Brian Mohlman enlisted into the Michigan Air National Guard, with his father, Lt. Col. Harold J. Mohlman administering him the Oath of Enlistment. At the time, the Battle Creek Air National Guard Base was flying the O-2 Skymaster aircraft. Lt. Col. Mohlman served as the

  • A-10A 80-0258, History of Excellence

    The Michigan Air National Guard's 110th Airlift Wing has a storied history of valor under fire and a piece of that history will soon be displayed at the National Guard Museum in Washington, DC.During the opening stages of Operation Iraqi Freedom, the wing was flying A-10A Thunderbolt II aircraft in

  • 110th Supports Army with Air Terminal

    On the morning of the 25th of February, the 110th Airlift Wing began to increase its viability to the state and the nation by beginning the first of many Army National Guard deployments. 110th members worked countless hours coordinating with the Michigan Army National Guard Logistics Command in an